As reported by Army News Service ... A ground-breaking study of behavioral health in the Army may soon provide answers on what causes suicide and what programs can best prevent them.
A media roundtable at the Pentagon provided an update on a five-year, $50-million study of suicide and behavioral health among military personnel, launched in October 2008, in partnership with the National Institute on Mental Health...
... Dr. Thomas Insel, director of NIMH, presented what he described as his "dream team" of researchers. The project director is Dr. Robert Ursano, chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md.
The research team also includes Dr. Ronald Kessler, professor of health care policy at Harvard Medical School; Dr. Steven Heeringa, director of the Statistical Design Group at the University of Michigan; and Dr. John Mann, vice chair for research at the New York State Psychiatric Institute and scientific director of the Kreitchman PET Center at Columbia University...
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