A message from Clymer.."CC"..Conrad Clyburn to all members of Traumatic Brain Injury - TBI on MedTechIQ!
As reported in MIT Tech Review...Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is often called the signature injury of the war in Iraq. Medical experts have yet to determine exactly what causes the condition, but the violent waves of air pressure emitted by an improvised explosive device (IED) or a rocket-propelled grenade are most likely to blame. These pressure waves travel close to the speed of sound and can rattle the brain's soft tissue, causing permanent, yet invisible, damage. In an effort to better understand how the waves shake soldiers' brains, researchers at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), in Washington, DC, developed a computer simulation that models the motion of a propagating blast wave using data gathered from laboratory experiments with sensor-studded mannequins.
Other teams are doing similar work: last year, the U.S. Army awarded a million-dollar contract to Simbex, of Lebanon, NH, to build sensor-studded helmets; more recently, the U.S Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) awarded a three-year contract worth $5 million to the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) to develop a simple plastic strip that can be "taped" onto a soldier's helmet to measure the intensity of an explosion.
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