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As reported in Kerala.Com ... Doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Center are using an electrical stimulation device that looks like a high-tech dentist's chair to successfully treat some of their patients with depression. Doctors around the world are following the research on the pioneering medical treatment to determine its full potential.

The device, called a repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) system, utilizes a phenomenon known as electromagnetic induction – the rapid changing of magnetic fields – to create small electric currents that essentially jump-start the brain.

Magnetic pulses are aimed at the prefrontal cortex of a patient's brain, where mood regulation is controlled, at rates faster than one pulse per second. As these pulses penetrate brain tissue, they create electric currents that excite neurons and ultimately stimulate nerve cells to trigger brain activity.

Lt. Col. Geoffrey Grammer, M.D., who is chief of inpatient psychiatry at Walter Reed, said rTMS offers him a new line of treatment for some of his patients with the worst cases of depression...

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