Hard to believe it, but the first decade of this century is almost over... Here are the most important Information Technology (IT) products of the decade as presented by our friends at PC magazine, what do you think? ...
1. Google

... The remarkable achievement of Google is that it has become our brain. These days, when we want information about a movie time, metric conversion, a historical tidbit, the solution to a software problem, the best price on just about any product, or an exact address, we simply Google it. More than one billion searches are performed on Google every day, and it is the most visited site on the Web...
2. Apple iPhone

... The Apple iPhone has forever transformed our expectations of a cell phone. This 4.8-ounce wonder lets us make phone calls (arguably its weakest feature), browse Web sites, dispatch e-mail, watch and shoot video, take photos, and play games. ..
3. Apple iPod

... The iPod is a marvel of minimalist industrial design. Its scroll wheel redefined usability for handheld digital audio devices, with an interface that enables you to easily manage a library of thousands of tracks. Over the decade, the iPod became much more than an audio device, adding a color LCD and the ability to store calendars, contacts, photos, podcasts, videos, and games...
4. Facebook

... Facebook ... counts some 350 million active users and accounts for 25% of page views in the United States ... and, is now the second most-visited Web site in the world ... Businesses and organizations now connect with customers and members via Fan pages...
5. Wi-Fi

... Wi-Fi is a marketing term for the IEEE 802.11 specification ... Today, 40% of U.S. homes have a wireless network ... and, it blankets coffee shops, airports, hotels, public parks, universities, and some airplanes ...
6. Broadband Internet Access

... The adoption of broadband coincided with the confluence of two momentous forces: the globalization of business and advancements in corporate IT networking. And that ushered in a new era of e-commerce that changed the way businesses operate and reach customers. The speed at which these forces upended the global economy was breathless, and the overall impact has been profound...
7. TiVo

... TiVo is not quite the force it once was. Cable companies have sliced into the company's market share by integrating TiVo-like DVR capabilities into their set-top cable boxes. Nonetheless, the popularity of TiVo is unabated, at least in the generic sense....
8. GPS

... about 31% of adults in North America use a mobile navigation system ... In recent years we've seen GPS navigation gaining traction in smart phones like the iPhone by using downloadable apps ... more people use geotagging to add precise latitude and longitude information to photos, videos, and maps...
9. Windows XP

... Windows XP is, by a long shot, still the most popular operating system in the world. XP commands roughly 62 percent of market share, while newcomer Windows 7 claims about 7 percent market share. Old XP is the operating system typically loaded on netbooks, the newest computer categor ... And, in what has to be an industry first, Microsoft offered a downgrade to XP for certain buyers of its disastrous Vista operating system...
10. Apple iMac

... The earliest iMac with an LCD screen, the G4, followed a bold new design: Its 15-inch display was mounted on an adjustable arm above an ovoid base that housed the motherboard, processor, optical drive, hard drive, and other interior components. In future iterations, Apple would add much-copied innovations like a built-in webcam, a slot-loading DVD drive, integrated Wi-Fi, and wireless keyboards and mice... Each new model has been a wonder of better, cleaner design...
Well that's it for now. Next ... 10 most influential people of the Decade...
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