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Business Process Management in Healthcare helps reduce inefficiencies

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For many years before the advent of automation and computerization ,healthcare processes, such as billing, admissions, and many elements of care were carried out manually. Although it was a capable method to quite an extent, it relied on the use of the manual process or the human method. This was always prone to mistakes and errors, because humans are prone to committing errors that can creep in even with the best of intentions, as a result of which the healthcare industry ended up losing billions of dollars that could otherwise have gone into meaningful forms of investment.

A result of technological developments

This is why Business Process Management (BPM) in Healthcare came into existence with the advent of and as a byproduct of automation. Business process management in healthcare is being considered a major step in helping healthcare settings reduce costs and inefficiencies. When a unit implements business process management in healthcare; there is an automatic reduction in errors and inefficiencies. Let us see how:

Impetus from the higher authorities

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There is now a general tendency and effort to push for automation in the healthcare industry. Even the American Congress has been aggressively pushing for reforms in the healthcare industry, a prime feature of which is fostering business process management in healthcare. Overall, BPM in healthcare is a means for improving efficiencies throughout the healthcare chain and bringing about greater integration and accountability through automation.

Core areas of business process management in healthcare

Business process management in healthcare is useful across the healthcare process chain, but is particularly so in at least there important areas:

Billing:This is one of the prime areas in which business process management in healthcare can make a huge difference. With complete automation of this critical area of business, healthcare units ensure that there is total coordination and traceability of the billing process.

Software:Apart from billing, another area in which business process management in healthcare helps tremendously is software. Software applications can bring about a huge change in the speed of operations. This area of BPM in healthcare reduces the need for human intervention at various stages of the business process.

Big data:Another of the areas in which business process management in healthcare holds huge promise is big data. Big data can help to make sense of various data used in healthcare administration and disease management across entire geographies. This makes the role of business process management in healthcare all the more meaningful and exciting.


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