Please see below a video review by John Caddell, author of the
"Customers Are Talking" blog, on Andrew McAfee's new book (November 2009)
"Enterprise 2.0: New Collaborative Tools For Your Organization's Toughest Challenges." I think this is one of the best of a new genre of books on "Web 2.0", and how it can be interactively used to advance business "Global Brand Identification, "Thought Leadership", Collaboration and Communication.

Click Here, To See John's Review
As noted by
Harvard Business Publishing ... "In just a few years, Web 2.0 communities have demonstrated astonishing levels of innovation, knowledge accumulation, collaboration, and collective intelligence" ...
As noted by Caddell ... McAfee has ...
... "tied together the common threads, using an acronym called SLATES (search, links, authoring, tags, extensions and signals)"...
... "He uses a bullseye metaphor focused on the strength of ties between colleagues to explain that. At the center of the bullseye are strongly-tied colleagues meaning people who work together in the same department, in the same location ... people with strong ties would use tools like wikis, or collaborative development tools, like Google Docs"...
... "Midway out the bullseye are colleagues with weak ties. People who know each other but don't get together often, who don't talk often, but would like to keep apprised of each other's activities for the purposes of sharing knowledge, best practices, identifying solutions to problems, and so forth. For that ring of the bullseye, Facebook-like tools are very useful"...
... "At the outer edge of the bullseye, where colleagues have no relationship other than that they work for the same company, a prediction market is a useful tool, that gathers people's guesses about the possibility of certain things happening like a certain sales volume being reached or likelihood an innovation will succeed in the marketplace and aggregating that information to get a better answer than any individual would come up with themselves"...
We highly recommended this book for MedTech-IQ members...
McAfee brings together case studies and key concepts from economics, sociology, computer science, consumer psychology, and management to provide clear, accessible, and entertaining explanations of Enterprise 2.0, and what it means to you in making technology decisions that are powerful, resonate positively within your organization, and are feasible to implement.
To learn more about
'Enterprise 2.0", click the book cover in the carousel of the
MedTech-IQ Recommended Reading section, halfway down the homepage, under "Latest Activity":
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