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Posted on January 19, 2010 at 7:41pm 3 Comments 0 Likes
Posted on February 9, 2009 at 11:41am 2 Comments 0 Likes
Posted on December 29, 2008 at 1:00pm 1 Comment 0 Likes
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You gate a reply, below, from Dr Baker, Dean, Charles Drew School of Medicine in Los Angeles. His MedTech-IQ link is,
Reply by Richard S. Baker M.D. 11 hours ago
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I'm Dean of the College of Medicine at Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science and would like to receive more information on your proposed LA area telemedicne project.
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See post from MedTech-IQ member Randy Roberson,, on the American Telemedicine Association (ATA) Linkedin discussion board,
The following is a simple thumbnail sketch of a deployment of our “Doc-in-a-Box” containerized emergency response container clinic for Los Angeles or areas threatened by natural disasters. I have been receiving significant interest for this deployment following my presentation at the Jonathan Club in L.A.. Some of these contacts have key contacts and influence in political and corporate circles. I share this with you all in case you have interest or know others who can help us with this multi-benefit deployment.
To place telemedicine healthcare clinics, housed in a 20’ cargo containers on the streets of downtown LA. In doing so this will provide two significant life-saving benefits. 1. To work to meet the day to day medical and emotional needs of the homeless on the streets of LA. 2. These clinics also represent a profound network of tools and capabilities that will be proactively placed and able to operate instantly when an earthquake (or other natural disaster), pandemic or conflict should occur. It provides a tested and proven built in network of US military, other federal, state, county, municipal and non-governmental agencies (NGO) poised to respond to emergencies immediately after they occur. This is critical as all major disasters have huge negative impacts on the surge capacity of hospitals (too many people in need and too few resources). This would provide a profoundly valuable force-multiplier in disasters.
The clinics will be staffed with medical students from local universities who, as part of their educational training, will do rounds at these clinics. Additionally we would entertain the idea of partnering with existing outreach already effectively working to meet the needs of the homeless there. Sponsorship and even branding of the clinics can come through corporate/civic/private interests and offers a high visibility level of community engagement and humanitarian outreach.
The situational awareness capabilities these provide – both regarding the homeless now as well as those effected by disaster later – will provide a profoundly beneficial tool for key emergency decision makers in Los Angeles. It provides them with live, real-time ground assessment data from ruggedized, prepositioned medical resources that can be self sustained with solar/wind power and satellite communications. Again, this provides instant operational capability even after a major disaster.
You can learn more about the technology at our web site at You can learn a bit more about the network behind it be reading this recent Op/Ed from the New York Times . The “Golden Phoenix event that it mentions, and the subsequent network based right there out of California, are profoundly effective and efficient. It is headed by US Marine Col, John Persano in San Diego. He has expressed significant interest in this opportunity. Through this effort we can provide huge benefits on many levels.
Please let me know if I can answer any questions, if you have any thoughts you would like to share or if your corporation or other group would like information on sponsoring a clinic. Thanks for taking a moment to review this.
For the greater good,
Randy S. Roberson
here's the link to mobilewellbeing
It may be beneficial for us to have talk about possible collaborative efforts. I am with the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine. We have established operations in Africa to support the U.S. Military HIV program and Department of Defense's Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System (DOD-GEIS). My contact information is or 240-290-3602. I hope to hear from you.
I am very interested in your patient database efforts. At the core of my focus is a desire to always offer "a hand up rather than a hand out." In doing so, it is always important for me to try to incorporate any existing local technologies or team efforts into our efforts. As such i would be very open to your involvement and would love to see what you have been working on. If sharing information and/or links to your work here is not appropriate, please feel free to contact me directly at Thank you again for your interest in working together to help the people of Kenya. I hope you will read my message to below to Dr. Gupta.
Thank you very much for contacting me regarding our upcoming needs assessment activities in Kenya. I will also post the information from this email on the MedTechIQ site as there may be more people there who will benefit from this additional information.
With the 12 years experience in Kenya, you no doubt have a great deal of situational awareness and confirmed ground truth. I am VERY interested in developing an ongoing dialog with you and invite collaborations with our efforts there. Perhaps working together we can find win/win benefits for our respective concerns.
First, please allow me to provide you with a little additional information regarding our efforts in Kenya. HELP has been quietly supporting a water purification project near Lake Victoria for the past 3 years. HELP’s primary areas of focus are water purification and mobile medical clinics, incorporating the use of live two-way telemedicine communications from even the most remote locations. This is done using satellite, cellular and/or MESH communications.
I have established relationships with several rural clinics and orphanages and have interest in connecting them to a metro hospital in Nairobi. This will all be done with a combination of tools including HELP’s cargo container clinics and solar powered telemedicine backpacks as well as providing various telemed equipment into existing rural clinics and the metro locations.
As I am sure you know, there are huge populations with little if any access to modern healthcare. The network we will establish will provide multiple benefits for these populations. First and foremost, the diagnostic and specialist consult capabilities will enable even rudimentarily trained medical field personnel to provide significantly increased capabilities. Likewise built in databases for monitoring disease migration and mitigation will allow key decision makers to see in real-time what is happening in various locations across Kenya. The same is also true for the disaster management/situational awareness data systems we also provide. While the system addresses basic health concerns on an ongoing basis, the infrastructure established will also be a profoundly effective life-saving tool in times of natural disaster or conflict.
While our container clinics can be configured for various specialty applications (e.g. trauma, cardiac, OB, infectious disease, etc.) our primary focus will probably be to offer basic clinics at the start. There is no doubt a great amount of topics which can be discussed here, and please know I am willing to do so if you are interested.
Certainly one of the next questions must be, “Who is going to pay for all this?” Long story greatly abbreviated, I am working with several groups who have interests in funding pieces and parts of this project. We will however need additional partners to bring this all together. But we don’t just have our hand out. In fact, this is where some of what HELP can establish can also help our partners.
We have seen that the telemedicine links we establish are also fantastic support building (and maintaining) tools. As we (and our partners) work with various foundations and other funders, we are capable of providing them with live real-time looks at what is going on in these clinics. They can ask questions of the staff and see them working with patients. This not only provides increased transparency and accountability, but it also engages the hearts of those who might otherwise not consider ever traveling to these remote 3rd world locations. It also provides a great real-time tool for researchers and others who are pursuing field testing (etc.) with live ongoing communications with their respective projects.
As a non-profit we have held quite a bit of the technology we use rather close to the vest. This was not done because of proprietary concerns, but rather to keep our equipment/system costs under control. As you know, too many cooks in the kitchen can make the soup rather expensive. It is also good to note that we did not come into this looking for ways to deploy this technology. After 12 years in most of the major disasters in our world, we majored in mobile medicine and water purification out of a profound need demonstrated in every disaster I’ve been to. Likewise, the telemedicine components were added during the 2004 tsunami simply because I needed to have a doctor looking over my shoulder. I worked on the western shores of Thailand (Phuket & Kao Lak) then went to the eastern shores of India. I would place a digital stethoscope on patients in tsunami relief camps (9 hours from the nearest airport) and Dr. Alan Michels back here in Arizona would be listening to digital heart and lung sounds and, among many disorders presented, diagnosed TB from 10,000 miles away. In much the same way, I strongly believe telemedicine technology can greatly assist in addressing the critical health needs in many locations throughout Kenya.
I covet the knowledge your group has obtained over the past 12 years working in Kenya. I invite collaborations for the greater good of the fine people of Kenya. And I hope to provide not only a tool for increased healthcare, but also a proactive tool for heading off the disease AND disaster challenges of the future. Any insight or involvement you can offer would be warmly welcomed.
For the greater good,
Randy S. Roberson
906 N. Colcord Road
Payson, AZ 85541 USA
P 1-928-595-1127
F 1-928-492-1027
Raj Gupta Ph.D
Senior Project Director
Biomedical and Life Sciences
Strategic Analysis
I just received your message from CC. I would be interested in discussing possibilities for collaboration. Such as energy harvesting and storage devices as well as transdermal drug delivery.
My company Piezo Resonance Innovations develops innovative motion medical devices. If you have time, please feel free to check out our website.
We are always interested in developing a medical tool for a specific clinical need. In addition, Spring 2009, we will be certified as a medical device designer and manufacturer.
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