
Inmarsat satellite telephone in use after a natural disaster
I am trying to determine if there is value in using INMARSAT (International Maritime Satellite) telecommunications to support telemedicine in Africa.
INMARSAT provides telephony and data services to users worldwide, via portable or mobile terminals which communicate to ground stations through 12 geosynchronous telecommunications satellites. The INMARSAT network has provided reliable communications services to a range of governments, aid agencies, media outlets and businesses with a need to communicate in remote regions or where there is no reliable terrestrial network. Services include traditional voice calls, low-level data tracking systems, and high-speed, broadband internet and other data services. The cost of Inmarsat services have dropped significantly in recent years, and the portable transmission units can now be as small as a notebook computer.
The answers I seek are:
1. Is anyone currently using INMARSAT for telemedicine in Africa today? Who? Where?
2. Is INMARSAT a feasible mechanism to extend access to healthcare expertise in remote and medically underserved regions of Africa?
Thank you in advance.
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