MedTech-IQ member,
Jill Sorenson , has just begun an exciting Public-Private Partnership,
BEVI(Baltimore Electric Vehicle Initiative). Jill is co-founder of IDEX Energy, and Bilyan, LLC, a business innovation consulting practice focused on multiple markets. The BEVI website can be found at:

Part of the partnership includes a
"Car Sharing" program of a100% electric automobile. The program is called
"altcar" . The "altcar" fleet consists of electric vehicles that are 100% powered by electrically charged lithium-ion battery technology. This means there is no need to ever “fill the tank”, the cars run on regular household current and recharge at any standard outlet. Because "altcar" vehicles are completely electric they do not emit any harmful emissions. The advanced lithium ion battery uses separator film developed by ExxonMobil. For additional information about the car, the Maya 300, visit
Our question is:
Are MedTech-IQ members aware of any other programs of this type?
The answers we seek:
Who is doing it? Where are they? What are the best practices that are emerging? Are they interested in inter-regional collaboration?
Please leave your answers in the
"Reply to This" box below.
Thank you in advance, and as always,