I am looking for two part time positions to fill for members of the MedTech-IQ network:
1. Writers: A MedTech-IQ member with a firm that does Telemedicine Business Development, Grant, Foundation Funding and Health IT initiative development needs part time skilled writers who are subject matter experts in telehealth clinical operations. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity please respond below.
2.Biostatistician: A MedTech-IQ member who is Director of an east coast multi-discpilnary telehealth and advanced distributed learning Center needs a part time, potentially maybe full time, biostatistician to evaluate data collected in a number of ongoing e-Health projects focused on rural and medically under-served area chronic disease management outreach. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity please respond below.
3. IT Architect and Program Manager positions. These are full time positions in the National Capital Area. Stay tuned. I will have more on these positions once I receive the full job descriptions.
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