A message from Martin von Dyck, Executive Vice President - Hydromer, Inc. & President - Biosearch Medical Products, Inc....
...I am exploring the possibility of selling this mature product line with annual sales of est. $700K, in order to gain access to the clean rooms for our growing cardiac microcatheter coating business. These GI catheters are sold on a private label basis to several prestigious marquee clients. It is essential that these loyal clients be assured of uninterrupted supply and the same high quality during and after any change in product line control.
Sale would include all relevant on-hand inventory, molds, Hydromer® coating equipment with license, 510(k)s, Technical Files, packaging equipment, etc. This would be a “turn-key” sale.
If you have any idea as to who might be interested, I would be grateful.
It is possible to break this product line into two groups depending on interest level.
Please contact me to discuss: 908-722-5000 or mcdyck@
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