MedTech I.Q.

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It is with great pride, and some sense of trepidation, that I share with you that my 19 year old son, Malcolm Clyburn will depart tomorrow to participate in the Haiti earthquake relief mission ...

Malcolm (#60 in the football uniform), will be spending his spring break in Haiti as part of a group of students from Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia who will be working to help prepare for the rainy season, which is rapidly approaching, if not already with us ...

Please see links to MedTech-IQ videos of a CNN interview with the students from Morehouse who are from Haiti leading the effort & a video of an earlier trip they made to support earthquake relief efforts:

International:Video from Earthquake Relief Mission in Haiti

International:Morehouse College Haitian Relief Effort

The MedTech-IQ community is rich in talent and experience in international relief efforts, and some of our members have already been to Haiti.  I would appreciate if you would be generous and share your on the ground experience, contacts, thoughts and prayers with these young people as they lend their hands to the effort ...

I especially thank MedTech-IQ members Sheila Clyburn and Yvette Butler for their help in fundraising,  Luigi Leblanc for his willingness to share his advice, assistance & detailed knowledge of Haiti with the students, Scott Simmons for his reports from the MediShare/University of Miami effort in Port-au-Prince, and Bart Stidham & Michael Russel for their links to the excellent  "Crisis Commons" sites.  

As they say ... "It takes a village" ...  Let's continue to support our young people!

Thank you in advance,


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CC, how wonderful that your son is doing this. The world needs more people like him.

I wish him all the best.

Nancy Tomich

BTW, our website has a little piece by Steve Joseph on his time in Port au Prince.

Nancy Tomich

Thank you. I will check out Steve Joseph's piece immediately.

Thank you also for the invaluable contribution you and your colleagues make at the Institute of Federal Health Care and for your always timely Federal Health Update publication.


I just read Steve Joseph's compelling account "Ten Days in Port au Prince". Incredible reading.


Steve Joseph, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, is a pediatrician. Please see his account of his experience in Haiti last month providing medical care to children caught in the aftermath of the earthquake, and as importantly, his concerns for the future,


I can say nostalgically that I remember Malcolm, when he was just a young boy. He has come very far indeed, and grown into the young adult that all your friends knew he would become. Sheila and you can be justifiably proud. Our best wishes go with Malcolm for a safe and productive journey.


You should feel so proud and grateful. I wish your son the best. It does take a village and a leader.



Thank you for your well wishes. I know that this is an area for which you have a commitment. We will keep you informed on the progress of the young people while they are in Haiti.

Take care.



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