MedTech I.Q.

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Rebecca Caroe's Blog (6)

What will business life be like in the future?

I wanted to start this post with a flow diagram that resonated with me so much that I immediately sent it to my Mother. I’ve been doing ‘tech support’ for my family for years, and for Geoff and, and, and. I expect you’ve been doing it too.

But although funny, truthful and nicely wry, the diagram got me thinking about what web 2.0 really means in real life. How does it change some of the things we consider to be ‘normal’ now and… Continue

Added by Rebecca Caroe on August 26, 2009 at 6:48am — No Comments

Migrating Pharma to Web 2.0

I had occasion this week to write the specification for two website redesigns. And that has set me thinking about the new state of affairs within the wide range of marketing communications that includes a website as a communication tool.

When I was taught my trade we had a series of headings in our marketing budget and plan that included the word “Collateral” which used to mean anything-printed-that-promotes-our-brand.

Well, collateral now includes digital stuff as well as print and… Continue

Added by Rebecca Caroe on August 17, 2009 at 3:16am — No Comments

Pharma Brand Launches & Herding Cats

Thinking Pharma is delighted to Welcome it’s new SEVP of Thinking Pharma – Sally Church.

Dr Sally is an eminent Blogger and Marketeer. Sally’s own enterprise, Icarus Consultants, will continue as we complete the transition into Thinking Pharma in the mean time enjoy Sally’s Thoughtware.

“Anyone can herd cattle” is like saying, “Anyone can go through the motions of a… Continue

Added by Rebecca Caroe on August 11, 2009 at 10:13am — No Comments

A visionary for the future of Pharma marketing? Or just slow progress

Jon Richman has done a fine column in Advertising Age about the future of digital marketing for pharma. He is drawn into five major predictions

1. Patients will have a portable network tool showing recommendations from trusted friends

2. Service companies who match patients with similar conditions to each other using opt-ins from electronic medical records

3. Pharma will abandon their own websites… Continue

Added by Rebecca Caroe on August 5, 2009 at 5:08am — No Comments

US Healthcare learnings from Cuba

Listening to President Obama’s recent speeches on healthcare reform it is clear that the US approach to healthcare requires a radical change in thinking.

The US is now spending over $2 trillion a year on healthcare – almost 50% more per person than the next most costly nation.

Americans are most definitely not getting “bang for their buck,” as the President himself puts it, and are… Continue

Added by Rebecca Caroe on July 29, 2009 at 12:25pm — No Comments

Thinking Pharma Thoughtware: Pharma Social Media – Trouble in Grandstand

Ever watched two kids splitting hairs about something that they are actually both agreed upon and then mum arrives to sort things out and somewhat misses the point completely?

The principles inherent in a recent blog post interchange between Jonathan Richman, Fard Johnmar… Continue

Added by Rebecca Caroe on July 27, 2009 at 5:48am — 1 Comment

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