As reported in DefenseSystems, Information Technology & Net-Centric Warfare....Gen. William Wallace, commanding general of the Army’s Training and Doctrine Command, said he isn’t interested in science and technology for its own sake. "I’m interested in outcomes." ........
The five key areas he believes the emphasis should be on are:
* Battle command – The Army needs to improve the quality of the information network that supports commanders and field-unit leaders, particularly in terms of making it more mobile and less dependent on the characteristics of fixed locations, such as high bandwidth.
* Technology that counters improvised explosive devices – The Army needs better ways of detecting and neutralizing IEDs, which adversaries have been deploying to limit the freedom of action and movement of U.S. forces.
* Power and fuel efficiency – In addition to financial considerations, cutting fuel consumption means reducing the number of convoys that transport fuel and the number of soldiers put at risk on dangerous roads. Meanwhile, improving battery and fuel-cell technology is important for reducing the amount of weight soldiers must carry in the form of electronic equipment.
* The human dimension – Understanding people, including soldiers and the people they fight with and seek to make allies, is increasingly important given the nature of current conflicts.
* Training – The Army should make better use of simulation, gaming and virtual environments to train soldiers.
Wallace said cognitive science is one area that has received too little attention in the past. "We tend to focus on gizmos and not the people who use them," he said.
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