MedTech I.Q.

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MedTechIQ expresses our deepest condolences to our member, Dr William Smith, nephew of Senator Edward Kennedy. The senator died today following a battle with brain cancer.

Senator Kennedy will be long-remembered. Regardless of one’s political persuasion, none can deny the force of his ideas or the sincerity of his motivation. The “Lion of the Senate” was an energetic fighter. He spent much of his political career addressing the issue of equity in health care delivery. His passion for federally guaranteed “universal access” was without equal. He worked tirelessly for his ‘cause célèbre, and remained engaged right up to his final days.

Analyses of the merits of healthcare legislation are for another day. Today we note with sadness, the passing of a singular and historic figure who cast the broadest of shadows, and leaves a legacy we shall not soon forget!!!

CC...Conrad Clyburn (Clymer Grp)

Clymer/JR (Clymer Grp)

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Comment by Don Weissman, MD on August 27, 2009 at 2:25pm
Amen. May we all live to see the implementation of Kennedy's hard and relentless struggle for equal Universal Health Care for all and an to the greed which is rampant throughout the industry including payors (Ins.Co.) and ramped up billings! Healthcare is a right not a privledge and all people deserve to be treated equally. It terms of the burdgeoning healthcare-financial all begins and the swelling tide can be stopped with prevention through; education and understanding; self power and determination; to eat well,natural and organic, NO pesticides or toxins, daily physical and mental exercises including stress reduction, and the rules of kindergarden " say please, thank you and always feel and express gratitude for all.

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