As published in GenomeWeb News please see excerpts from this provocative and thoughtful essay on the counter intuitive nature of using a "subjective" peer review system to judge the most important elements of an "objective" field such as science ...
.... It is a fundamental irony of science that a field created for and by people who… Continue
Please see below a video review by John Caddell, author of the "Customers Are Talking" blog, on Andrew McAfee's new book (November 2009) "Enterprise 2.0: New Collaborative Tools For Your Organization's Toughest Challenges." I think this is one of the best of a new genre of books on "Web 2.0", and how it can be interactively used to advance business "Global Brand Identification, "Thought Leadership", Collaboration and Communication.…
As the U.S. members of MedTech-IQ enter the Thanksgiving season, please accept our best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous year ahead. This past year has been one of serious challenges. But, we are all still here and kicking.
Continue to fight the good fight ... Don't let "them" get you down ... Do let your family and friends know how much you appreciate them ... Eat Food ... Not too much .... Mostly plants… Continue
Thank you to MedTech-IQ member, Elihu El El, for the link...
Founded in 1964, the White House Fellows program is one of America's most prestigious programs for leadership and public service. White House Fellowships offer exceptional young men and women first-hand experience working at the highest levels of the federal government.
Selected individuals typically spend a year working as a full-time, paid Fellow to senior White House Staff, Cabinet… Continue
Last night we experienced a spam attack from a member who had just joined MedTech-IQ, and immediately began a "search for true partnership" by emailing many of you. Though we have no problem with true companionship in general, that is not the purpose of this network. We have banned the spamming member.
MedTech-IQ is a Web 2.0 platform for academic "Pioneers", small business "Colonizers", established industry "Consolidators", and… Continue
As posted recently online by Harvard Business publishing's "Conversation Starter" ... excerpts from David Armano's analysis and predictions for "Social Media" in 2010. David is part of the founding team at Dachis Group, an Austin based consultancy delivering social business design services, and is well reagarded as an active practitioner and thinker in the worlds of digital marketing, experience design, and the social web ...
To better deliver the 3Cs of "Content, Community & Collaboration" we continue to make changes to improve the MedTech-IQ experience ...
... As a result, we are changing the look and feel of the network to keep pace with growth, and make it easier to navigate and find MedTech-IQ multi-media information & Web 2.0 tools ...
You may recall that a couple of months ago I blogged to you over the Internet while I was on a flight from Washington, D.C. to California. It was a marvelously liberating experience.
Well guess what? The company that offers the service, GoGo, has just sent me a code that will allow me to offer to any first timer user, access to the Gogo Inflight Internet service for free.
In the continuing quest to bring you the benefits of the 3Cs ... "Content, Community & Collaboration" we are providing you with a few new services...
- Global Giving ... the leading online marketplace for philanthropy, connecting donors to the causes and countries they care about (At the bottom of the homepage).
- Skype? ... Skype is a piece of software that customers can download to call other people on Skype over the… Continue
See excerpts from the consistently useful Chillmark Research blog post from John Moore ...
... Over the last two days, been attending the Foundation for the NIH’s event, the mHealth Summit....
Key Take-Aways:
... mHealth is clearly a top priority of the Obama Administration. Rare that an inaugural event would attract HHS Secretary… Continue
In the continuing quest for the 3Cs of "Content, Community & Collaboration", please see just released video illuminating new developments in mHealth, Telemedicine and Robotic Telepresence...
mHealth: Alison Bloch, m-Health Advisor at GSM Association, Talks…Continue
In the continuing quest to bring you the 3Cs of "Content, Community & Collaboration", we continue to add new and intriguing members..
So, what have you been doing at "MedTech-IQ"?
According to Google analytics, we now number 837 members. Of those, 310 are Academic "Pioneers", 420 represent Industry "Colonizers" (emerging businesses) or "Consolidators" (large corporations), and 88 are… Continue
John, executive director of Science Commons, has just been honored by the Utne Reader as one of the "50 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World." (The list also honors the Dalai Lama, so he's in good company.)
Utne describes Johns' work at Science Commons as an effort "to spur innovation and discovery by making scientific research and resources easier to… Continue
With all the demands on your attention, we realize that your MedTech-IQ email account may be adding to your already overwhelming Inbox. In an effort to continue our quest for the 3C's of "Content, Community and Collaboration" in advanced medical technology translation, we want to offer you a means to filter your MedTech-IQ message traffic so that it best reflects your specific interests. To do this, just follow these simple instructions.
Thank you to MedTech-IQ member, Christine Stineman for the inspiration and contribution ...
The world of broadband and healthcare are changing rapidly, let us count the ways ...
... A recent report, "Telemedicine and the Economic Stimulus: Broadband Opportunities in a Swelling Market", from research firm Pike & Fischer, predicts that within five years, the market for telemedicine devices and services will generate $3.6 billion in annual… Continue
In the continuing quest to bring you the 3C's of "Content, Community & Collaboration" in advanced medical technology, we offer the following new Web 2.0 features...
- Check out EVRI: New from Microsoft Founder Paul Allen and Vulcan Capital we bring you EVRI, a semantic web and natural language processing system that automatically analyzes MedTech-IQ blog posts and forms meaningful connections to additional information on the Web, including… Continue
The U.S. Army Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) has awarded a $730,000 grant to the data integration group LiveData to develop standards for clinical information integration...
... LiveData will use the funds to develop an integrated clinical environment through its MD-ICEMAN project. The project is a collaborative effort of the Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology (CIMIT), LiveData and Massachusetts General… Continue