Muscat: The number of Influenza cases has dropped by almost a quarter compared to 2016, but the Ministry of Health has warned residents to
be vigilant as flu season approaches.
According to the latest report by the MoH, deaths as a result of influenza have reduced over the past three years, with 2017 season seeing eight cases of deaths so far compared to 2015 which recorded 25 deaths.
As a semi-tropical…
Added by John Robinson on October 11, 2017 at 6:56am —
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Instances of cyberattacks that lead to disruption of service, data theft or compromise and even ransomware are making the news headlines of late with alarming frequency. Cyberattacks are carried out because computer systems used in highly regulated companies house very sensitive and valuable information.
Data relating to valuable electronic submissions, clinical information, medical device design control records, legal information, and other such information are usually placed in…
Added by Adam Fleming on October 10, 2017 at 6:26am —
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Software as a Service, SaaS, is a way by which applications are delivered over the Net. It provides Software as a Service using just the Internet, and hence the name. SaaS applications are known by varied names. On-demand software, hosted software, and web-based software are some of these.
Where SaaS differs as a method of delivering applications is that there is…
Added by John Robinson on October 9, 2017 at 6:44am —
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Shares of drugmakers dropped in midday trading Friday after CNBC reported Amazon is in the final stages of considering an entrance into selling drug prescriptions.…
Added by John Robinson on October 9, 2017 at 6:41am —
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Every year, millions of Americans go after this same goal, some successful and others not so much. To attain their goals, they may choose from the over-abundance of diets and exercise programs available, and some turn to weight loss supplements as well.
While you shouldn’t rely on supplements to do all the work for you, there are a few that can be used safely to boost your weight loss efforts.
Before you decide on weight loss…
Added by John Robinson on October 9, 2017 at 6:36am —
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One of the very important activities for a laboratory is calibration. The terminology found in 21CFR160 (b) (4) spells out the requirements for this aspect of medical devices. In addition, other terminologies and concepts that need to be applied for an effective calibration program, but are not found in the regulation, such as instrument classifications, also need to be taken into consideration.…
Added by Adam Fleming on October 9, 2017 at 6:16am —
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HHS withdrew three proposed rules Tuesday, including one that would have tested a new Medicare Part B drug payment model. Here are six things to know about the proposed rules. 1. CMS withdrew a proposal to test new Medicare Part B drug payment models. Medicare Part B covers prescription drugs administered in a physician’s office or hospital outpatient department. Medicare currently pays physicians and outpatient departments the average sales price of a drug, plus a 6 percent add-on. In March…
Added by John Robinson on October 6, 2017 at 6:19am —
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When a major security incident, such as the recent massive Equifax data breach, grabs headlines, CEOs start asking more questions about data security.
See Also: Addressing the Identity Risk Factor in the Age…
Added by John Robinson on October 6, 2017 at 6:16am —
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A third of UK small businesses are risking their online safety by operating at or below the “security poverty line,” according to new research from Duo Security.
The cybersecurity company partnered with YouGov to survey 1,0009 senior decision makers across the UK to determine how much they are spending on cybersecurity and whether government initiatives such as Cyber Essentials and Cyber Risk Aware have been effective at protecting SMBs from cyber…
Added by Adam Fleming on October 6, 2017 at 6:12am —
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A proper understanding of the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS) is completely necessary for healthcare providers and professionals. It is among the strongest weapons in the government arsenal for enforcing the federal fraud and abuse laws. Along with Stark II (the federal physician anti-referral law), the Anti-Kickback Statute can be and is being used as the basis for an action brought under the Federal False Claims…
Added by Roger Steven on October 5, 2017 at 7:02am —
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Education is one of the few areas nowadays that is still considered a purely sovereign matter, an issue over which national governments – and, in many countries, even local authorities – should have control. But, in today’s world, it seems that no issue is immune to political manipulation. That is the case with Ukraine’s new framework law on education, which has become the target of harsh opposition not so much from within the country, but rather…
Added by John Robinson on October 5, 2017 at 5:49am —
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The MoU will see the facilitation of a four year full time Bachelors degree in Disaster Risk Management.
Signing the Mou, Secretary to the Office of Vice President and Commissioner for Dodma Clement Chinthu Phiri said the Mou will enhance studies and research in disaster management to guide policy development and implementation.
On her part, MUST Vice Chancellor Professor Address Malata said the institution is geared to making a…
Added by John Robinson on October 5, 2017 at 5:46am —
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The basic reason for which analytical methods and procedures need to be validated is to ensure that analytical data have consistency, accuracy and reliability. This becomes possible when laboratories employ proper scientific methods and procedures and validate analytical methods and procedures. This is the only means to ensure that the analytical data are reliable, consistent and accurate.
The aim of doing so is to substantiate the suitability of…
Added by John Robinson on October 4, 2017 at 6:49am —
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The basic reason for which analytical methods and procedures need to be validated is to ensure that analytical data have consistency, accuracy and reliability. This becomes possible when laboratories employ proper scientific methods and procedures and validate analytical methods and procedures. This is the only means to ensure that the analytical data are reliable, consistent and accurate.
The aim of doing so is to substantiate the suitability of…
Added by John Robinson on October 4, 2017 at 6:48am —
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[Illustration: Aelitta/istockphoto]
What if your employer asked you to implant a microchip under your skin to help them keep track of you?
Three Square Market…
Added by John Robinson on October 4, 2017 at 6:41am —
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After natural disasters, HHS sometimes waives certain HIPAA privacy rule requirements. That’s not usually the case after man-made disasters, such as Sunday night’s massacre in Las Vegas, where more than 50 were killed and hundreds were wounded after a gunman opened fire at a music festival.
Because the HIPAA privacy rule already allows information disclosure in certain…
Added by John Robinson on October 4, 2017 at 6:38am —
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For any product that is being produced using the extrusion process; raw materials and their characteristics are the most important variable.
Grasp of why things happen as they do in the process and why the process and product being produced react as they do, can come about only when there is a basic understanding of the raw materials and how they flow, cook and potentially over-process.
Since different types of ingredients have different properties; each ingredient reacts very…
Added by Adam Fleming on October 4, 2017 at 6:16am —
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With crispy chicken strips and addictive fries at the Pilot House, nine seasons of The Office on Netflix and the newfound freedom of college, staying healthy and active at school can be more difficult than it was back home. Whether you’re a freshman or senior, it’s undeniable that healthy eating and self-care often takes the back burner when you have to juggle school, jobs and a social life.

Some freshmen even might worry about the…
Added by Adam Fleming on October 3, 2017 at 6:39am —
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The major reason for which there are widespread violations of the HIPAA Rules for communicating with patients by unencrypted email and text message is that healthcare providers and Covered Entities and their Business Associates are ignorant of the rules. Although the HIPAA Rules are pretty straightforward and easy to follow; providers and Business Associates who don’t implement them in accordance…
Added by Roger Steven on October 3, 2017 at 6:02am —
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Researchers are seeking about 500 NHS patients to try out a new “universal” vaccine against seasonal flu.
The experimental vaccine works differently from the one currently available, which has to be remade each year based on a “best guess” of what type of flu is likely to be about.
The new jab targets part of the virus that does not change each year.
This means the vaccine should work against human, bird and swine flu,…
Added by John Robinson on October 3, 2017 at 5:44am —
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