See excerpts from the consistently useful Chillmark Research blog post from John Moore ...
... Over the last two days, been attending the Foundation for the NIH’s event, the mHealth Summit....
Key Take-Aways:
... mHealth is clearly a top priority of the Obama Administration. Rare that an inaugural event would attract HHS Secretary… Continue
Just a friendly reminder that the final application deadline is Monday, November 9th. Apply now to get your company or technology in front of over 80 Investors and Licensees that make up the WBT Screening Panel. There is no cost to apply.
The WBT has been bringing talent, know-how, and capital together for over 7 years. But don't take out word for it...
In the continuing quest for the 3Cs of "Content, Community & Collaboration", please see just released video illuminating new developments in mHealth, Telemedicine and Robotic Telepresence...
mHealth: Alison Bloch, m-Health Advisor at GSM Association, Talks…Continue
In this article by Rahul K. Parikh, M.D., tort reform isn't so popular.
"Tort reformers neglect the fact that malpractice reform won't save one extra life. To make that difference, insurers, doctors and their lobbyists like the AMA need to find ways to improve patient safety. So for those who push tort reform as a panacea for a sick healthcare system, working to prevent injuries is a much more noble pursuit than writing up baseless arguments for the back pages of a… Continue
Added by Lance M. on October 28, 2009 at 1:42pm —
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In the continuing quest to bring you the 3Cs of "Content, Community & Collaboration", we continue to add new and intriguing members..
So, what have you been doing at "MedTech-IQ"?
According to Google analytics, we now number 837 members. Of those, 310 are Academic "Pioneers", 420 represent Industry "Colonizers" (emerging businesses) or "Consolidators" (large corporations), and 88 are… Continue
Did you ever think why the company media representatives and the brand equity managers keep staking and lay emphasis about the essentiality of owning a professional logo design to march on? Is the build up of hype about having custom design logo warranted?
It sounds pretty much explainable, doesn’t it? A logo of a company is the character of the organization which marks its unique identity. There are many competitors of your business around you very near but what really signifies you… Continue
Added by Kathy Maxwelll on October 22, 2009 at 3:37am —
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John, executive director of Science Commons, has just been honored by the Utne Reader as one of the "50 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World." (The list also honors the Dalai Lama, so he's in good company.)
Utne describes Johns' work at Science Commons as an effort "to spur innovation and discovery by making scientific research and resources easier to… Continue
With all the demands on your attention, we realize that your MedTech-IQ email account may be adding to your already overwhelming Inbox. In an effort to continue our quest for the 3C's of "Content, Community and Collaboration" in advanced medical technology translation, we want to offer you a means to filter your MedTech-IQ message traffic so that it best reflects your specific interests. To do this, just follow these simple instructions.
Thank you to MedTech-IQ member, Christine Stineman for the inspiration and contribution ...
The world of broadband and healthcare are changing rapidly, let us count the ways ...
... A recent report, "Telemedicine and the Economic Stimulus: Broadband Opportunities in a Swelling Market", from research firm Pike & Fischer, predicts that within five years, the market for telemedicine devices and services will generate $3.6 billion in annual… Continue
Article Tools Sponsored By
Published: October 17, 2009
WASHINGTON — President Obama mounted a frontal assault on the insurance industry on Saturday, accusing it of using “deceptive and dishonest ads” to derail his health care legislation and threatening to strip the industry of its longstanding exemption from federalantitrust laws.
Skip to next paragraph
President Obama’s Weekly Address (
The… Continue
Added by Bari Shein on October 18, 2009 at 6:41pm —
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Shareholders representing 24% of the shares in Tandberg rejected Cisco's recent $3 billion offer for the video-conferencing equipment maker, fuelling hopes that the U.S.-based company might raise its bid.
Added by Bari Shein on October 15, 2009 at 2:05pm —
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By John Whitesides and Donna Smith John Whitesides And Donna Smith – 34 mins ago
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A key U.S. Senate committee endorsed a sweeping healthcare overhaul on Tuesday, gaining the support of an influential Republican and delivering President Barack Obama a victory on his top domestic priority.
The Democratic-controlled Senate Finance Committee approved the measure on a 14-9 vote, with Senator Olympia Snowe becoming the first Republican in Congress to back a… Continue
Added by Bari Shein on October 13, 2009 at 8:44pm —
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In the continuing quest to bring you the 3C's of "Content, Community & Collaboration" in advanced medical technology, we offer the following new Web 2.0 features...
- Check out EVRI: New from Microsoft Founder Paul Allen and Vulcan Capital we bring you EVRI, a semantic web and natural language processing system that automatically analyzes MedTech-IQ blog posts and forms meaningful connections to additional information on the Web, including… Continue
The U.S. Army Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) has awarded a $730,000 grant to the data integration group LiveData to develop standards for clinical information integration...
... LiveData will use the funds to develop an integrated clinical environment through its MD-ICEMAN project. The project is a collaborative effort of the Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology (CIMIT), LiveData and Massachusetts General… Continue
I have been reading about robotic surgery. It is really amazing how this is coming along. I have a friend who has had several dental procedures that are fairly extensive. He can only have them done at Indianapolis hospitals. I wonder if Dental insurance plans cover this type of surgery.
Anyway, I wonder… Continue
Added by Cindy Fallsen on October 8, 2009 at 4:18pm —
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